
One Street provides bicycle advocacy resources and consulting to nonprofits around the world because the most effective change happens locally. We honor their unique circumstances as they work to increase bicycling in their communities.

International Bicycle Advocacy Services ImageAny bicycle organization can contact us for free basic coaching on management, campaign planning, program development, and resources. We also offer books and components that serve bicycle organizations as well as more in depth consulting services and speaking engagements.

Some of the organizations we serve provide bicycles to people living in poverty. Others are redesigning streets to welcome cyclists. All believe that increasing bicycling will help our world. If you are a leader of such an organization, please contact us. We’d like to help.

Our Mission:

To serve, with kindness and respect, leaders of organizations working to increase bicycling, including pedestrian, transit, and social equity needs.

Board of Advisors and Directors

  • Mikael Colville-Andersen - bicycle promotion producer, CEO Copenhagenize.com, Copenhagen, Denmark (read more...)
  • Kaethi Diethelm – past VP European Cyclists’ Federation and volunteer for Pro Velo Switzerland
  • Horst Hahn-Kloeckner – Senior Advisor ADFC, Germany
  • Jerry Hiniker - bike shop manager and Safe Routes to Schools Coordinator, Grand Marais, Minnesota, USA 
  • Dave Horton - sociologist, author and philosopher of cycling, Lancaster, England
  • Justin Hyatt - co-founder Carfree Cities Alliance, journalist for sustainable transportation
  • Morten Kerr - cycling consultant, past VP European Cyclists’ Federation and volunteer for Norwegian Cyclists' Assoc. (SLF), Norway (read more...)
  • Jim Knaup – owner Ironclad Bicycles, Prescott, Arizona, USA
  • Sue KnaupFounder and Executive Director (read more...)
  • Michael Linke, Vice President - Managing Director BEN Namibia & Brazil
  • James Moore – bike shop owner and community leader, Hattiesburg & Petal, Mississippi, USA
  • Amanda Ngabirano - CEO Goudappel Africa, sustainable transportation teacher Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda
  • Karen Nozik – community activist, Rochester, NY, USA (read more...)
  • John Pucher – car-free advocate and professor emeritus Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA (read more...)
  • Paul Simpson, Secretary / Treasurer – medical doctor and social scientist, State College, Pennsylvania, USA (read more...)