Street Design

Street DesignStreets are rarely seen as the public space they are and yet this is vital to the creation of streets that enrich communities and the world. The design of streets where people want to linger, laugh and connect is still seen as unusual, a special occurrence that is tolerated amidst the superhighways and thoroughfares that invite no one unless shielded within a motorized vehicle. One Street’s very name ensures that street design will always be a primary issue for us as we connect leaders of organizations who are working at the highest standards of delightful street designs that invite bicycling, walking, laughing and lingering.

Too often, transportation officials ignore the needs of vulnerable travelers. This article from January 2017 about a court decision that bad street design was liable in a New York City crash offers advocates an important lever for streets designed for people, not just cars.

This video takes you on a ride along a quite extraordinary street:


Creating great streets:

Accomodating cyclists at intersections:

The U.S. is finally moving past basic bicycle provisions:

Some examples of progressive U.S. street design guidance:

Lane width standards can often hamper good street design, so make sure to look at:

Bicycle boulevards are an innovative way to create bicycle networks with existing streets:

Centerline removal may sound radical, but it's solving basic street issues in some communities:

These studies reveal an alarming relation between traffic volumes and social interactions within neighborhoods:
