Bicycle Advocacy Services

One Street provides bicycle advocacy resources and consulting to nonprofits around the world. International Bicycle Advocacy Services ImageWe honor their distinctness as they work to increase bicycling in their communities. Any bike organization can contact us for free basic coaching on management, campaign planning, program development, and resources. We also offer books and components as well as more in depth consulting services and speaking engagements. If you are a leader of a bicycle organization, please contact us.  We’d like to help.

Mikael C-A01

Mikael Colville-Andersen

Copenhagen, Denmark


Phone: [+45] 26 25 97 26
Mikael Colville-Andersen is an urban mobility expert and "bicycle anthropologist" who is often referred to as Denmark's Bicycle Ambassador. He lectures around the world on how cities can - and should - re-establish the bicycle as a respected and accepted transport form.

As CEO for Copenhagenize Consulting he advises cities and towns regarding infrastructure as well as marketing and promotion campaigns that promote cycling positively.

With his presentation ”Four Goals for Promoting Urban Cycling”, Colville-Andersen provides the winning formula for how cities and towns can gear up for Bicycle Culture 2.0. Using Copenhagen's journey – then, now and towards the future - as an example he highlights how other cities can be inspired by the modern Copenhagen Experience.

The 500,000 people on bicycles each day in Greater Copenhagen are not 'cyclists', nor are they 'environmentalists'. They merely choose to ride because the bicycle is simply the quickest way through the city. With his unique combination of anthropology and marketing, Colville-Andersen explains how regular citizens can be encouraged to choose the bicycle.

The bicycle is the most effective tool in our toolboxes for achieving that new century goal of re-creating liveable cities.

Colville-Andersen has presented his Four Goals for Promoting Urban Cycling talk at universities and conferences in over 20 cities in 13 countries.

In addition to the popular Four Goals talk, Colville-Andersen has other presentations that have been given around the world.

Bicycle Anthropology presents the audience with the idea that focusing on mainstreaming urban cycling would benefit greatly from looking at the bicycle as a tool and regarding the cyclists through an anthropological viewfinder.

He also speaks about Behavourial Challenges for Promoting Urban Cycling wherein he dissects the current tendency to focus only on cyclist behaviour instead of all traffic users. This serves to further alienate those who cycle in cities in towns and does little for encouraging Citizen Cyclists to consider the bicycle as transport.

Copenhagenize Consulting – Building Better Bicycle Cultures -

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